Across Australia the move from the scorching Summer heat to cool winter brings with it changes to our skincare routine. Maybe something a little heavier for a moisturiser, additional protection for the lips maybe? One of the last things on everyone's mind is SPF sun protection.
UV radiation exposure increases 4-5 percent with every 300m above sea level
Skiers and Snowboarders should take note! According to the US skin cancer foundation, the higher the altitude the greater exposure you are having to damaging UV rays - not to mention that snow reflects and intensifies sunlight. So if you find yourself heading for the slopes this winter, ensure you apply & re-apply a SPF30+ sunscreen.
Up to 80 percent of the suns rays can generate the clouds
If the sun isn't shining, it doesn't mean you aren't being exposed to strong UV-A rays that cause premature raging and potentially skin cancer.
Melanomas of the scalp and neck make up 6% of all melanomas, but cause 10% of all melanoma deaths
If you have suffered a burnt scalp and the embarrassing peeling that follows, knows how painful and uncomfortable it can be. So if your going outside (cloudy or not, cold or not) then put on a hat to protect your scalp.
Wearing a sunscreen can slow the ageing process by 24%
This is really exciting! a 2013 study published in the Annals of internal medicine found that test subjects who used sunscreen daily decreased the speed of the skin's ageing process by 24% compared to the group that did not. Now if thats not a reason to use a sunscreen I don't know what is.
Whatever your activities are as we get closer to winter, remember it's just as important to slip, slop, slap now than it is in Summer.